Are There Dangers From Getting High On Dietary Supplements?
There are umpteen different types of dietary and herbal supplements on the market today. You can buy many of these supplements legally and without a prescription at any General Nutrition Corporation (GNC) store. You can also purchase them online.The terms “dietary supplement”, “herbal supplement”, and “nutritional supplement” all sound innocent enough. However, many herbal supplements have not been tested for human use, and they are not regulated by the FDA. Almost everyone who uses these supplements believes they are safe. However, because we know so little about them, they have the potential to be addictive, to have unpleasant side effects, and to bring on withdrawal symptoms if suddenly discontinued. The most popular supplements these days are the nootropics. These supplements are said to improve brain function. Nootropics are often confused with “smart drugs”, but there is a big difference between the two.
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