Rehab for Teens
Teen Rehab might be the solution that sets a child on a path to self-destruction back to leading a successful life. Some of the biggest challenges that families face with teen substance abuse are whether or not it is a phase or if this is something that will not correct itself and require addiction treatment centers to help. Unfortunately, if you are a mom or dad reading this it probably is past the point of a phase. It is important to remember with teen substance abuse:
- that it does not matter how much they use,
- it does not matter how they use,
- or where,
it only matters what they are doing with their life as a result. Many parents feel they need to catch them in the act. This is a difficult thing to do, that is why it is important to not question yourselves and focus on their behaviors.
The other problem with teen substance abuse, sadly enough, is it usually leaves the parents questioning themselves as to weather or not it is their fault. The answer is that it isn’t.
Families need to understand that as long as they have the illusion that it is their problem and the young person sees that then they are far less likely to be accountable making addiction treatment centers less attractive for the addicted person. It is important adolescents get help as soon as possible and attend one of the many addiction treatment centers before the addiction progresses into something far worse. The longer we let this go the harder it will be to correct.
Some may think that teen addiction treatment centers are unnecessary, that teens experiment with drugs and alcohol only to fit in with their peers. Unfortunately, many of these teens that experiment with drugs go on to develop addictions and need to go through teen rehab. Fortunately, many parents decide that the best thing to do is to send them to an adolescent treatment center or teen rehab. There are many teen rehabs designed specifically to help adolescents overcome their addiction. An adolescent suffering from a drug or alcohol addiction can cause many concerns and hardships for the teen’s family.
Is Your Family Waiting For Your Loved One To Want Help Or Hit Bottom?
888-480-9323Abusing drugs or alcohol, even in small amounts can cause serious problems. Adolescent substance abuse can cause permanent damage to vital organs. Also, because a person’s brain is not fully developed until age 30, substance abuse can also cause severe damage to his or her brain. This backs up the theory on why grown men and woman act childish in rehab. It is because their brains stop developing at the rate it should, so when they finally stop using they show signs of child-like behavior because the brain stopped developing properly in the adolescent phase. In almost all cases of teenage drug abuse or teen alcohol abuse, placing the teen in one of the adolescent addiction treatment centers is the only answer.
Some warning signs outside of catching them in the act that may let a parent know if their child needs help from a teen rehab include:
- Finding hidden drug paraphernalia or actual drugs/alcohol
- Bad grades/behavioral problems
- Emotional distancing/depression
- Change in group of friends
- Hostility and a lack of cooperation
- Lying about where they are in their free time
- Changes in personal appearances such as hygiene, bloodshot eyes, runny nose, sore throats, and weight loss
- Changes in eating and/or sleeping patterns
- Mood swings
- Loss of memory, dizziness, and fainting
Prescription drug abuse in adolescents
The last and most important element in choosing the appropriate addiction treatment centers is choosing one that does not label your child with a disorder right away and prescribe them ADD or Bi-Polar medications, such as a holistic rehab. It is difficult enough to accomplish that in an adult treatment center let alone a teen treatment center. It should take addiction treatment centers at least 90 days to stabilize your teen drug abuser before any disorders should even be considered. It is a proven fact that if we wait and allow the addicted person to stabilize, that 98% of the time the symptoms are not a disorder and are actually the side effects of the alcohol or substance abuse. One of the worst things that are happening today is the drugging of our children. Schools fill the lunch lines with sugar, starch, and food additives that teens are allergic to, then they take away recess and gym class. At two in the afternoon when the child is wound up and wants to be a kid they are labeled ADHD and are prescribed Ritalin and have their youth stolen and spent in a zombie state, not to mention the financial windfall provided to the school to educate a person with a disability. A disability they do not even have, do not let this happen to your child, find an adolescent rehab that can remedy this issue before it becomes a life-threatening addiction.