Drug and Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms
Withdrawal, also known as detox, can be a very uncomfortable process. Physical pain, fatigue or anxiety are some of the many symptoms that can be associated with withdrawing off of certain drugs. It is important to understand that some drug and alcohol withdrawal symptoms are dangerous or uncomfortable, while others may be relatively symptom-free. Signs of Drug Abuse.
Most medically dangerous withdrawals:
Alcohol and Benzodiazepine (Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, etc) can be the most dangerous and usually require a medically supervised detox.
Generally safe but uncomfortable:
Opiates, such as Heroin, Methadone, Vicodin, or Oxycontin, usually have the most physically uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. These include major aches and pains, anxiety, an inability to sleep for days, vomiting and flu-like symptoms.
Generally safest and least uncomfortable:
Cocaine, marijuana, LSD, or methamphetamine can be the safest withdrawal and commonly do not have any uncomfortable physical withdrawal symptoms associated.
During the withdrawal stage of someone’s recovery, it is not uncommon for a withdrawing addict or alcoholic to beg, promise, or threaten anything just to get back to their drink or drug. If your loved one expresses a desire to leave for any reason during this process, understand that this is usually just a desire to get back to the drugs themselves. The one thing that will definitely take away the major symptoms of almost any withdrawal are the actual drugs that your loved one is withdrawing from and he knows it. Remain firm and don’t give in to his pleadings. While in detox, he is in a much safer place than the local dope house or corner bar and he needs to stay through this process. Knowing the drug and alcohol withdrawal symptoms is the first step towards true recovery.
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