5 Surprising Discoveries of Marijuana Use
With states like Colorado and Washington legalizing marijuana, many people now see it as a drug they can use without fear. While this may or may not be true, it’s wise to know the full story. Either way, when knowing the full story, one can make an informed decision. With this in mind, here are 5 surprising discoveries of marijuana sse.
An overdose is possible: While a lot of people overdose on drugs, including caffeine and alcohol, you can overdose on pot too. If you smoke 15-70 grams of marijuana in one day, which is a lot, you will overdose.
Not good to drive while high: Sadly, a lot of people think they can get away with driving while high. This is unwise, and it could lead to serious problems. Think about it, while high, you are going to have a slower reaction time, which will lead to problems should a pedestrian dart out in front of your car.
It can be addicting: While some say it is not as bad as heroin, alcohol, or cocaine, marijuana can be addictive. This is especially true in younger people whose brains are not as well-developed. For this reason, any user should take a long hard look at their life before they use. Marijuana is still habit-forming, and one should do a reality check to avoid issues.
Hurts your IQ: If you smoke all the time you are going to hurt your IQ. Simply put, chronic smokers routinely score lower on IQ tests. The reasons for this are not fully known. However, it can also hurt your sort-term memory, which causes you to obviously do worse in your day-to-day life.
Not sure on lung health: In the last 30 years, people have been studying the effects of marijuana on lung health. While true, there is no evidence one way or the other that is convulsive enough. Yes, some people think that any of the smoke is bad and causes problems. However, some think that the THC helps with any issues and acts as an antioxidant to protect your lungs. Either way, any smoker should do his or her own research.
You should know these 5 surprising discoveries of marijuana use before you use. It is wise that everyone in the public learn all the facts.