The September of every year is honored as National Recovery Month. During the entire month, treatment and recovery professionals, families, recovering addicts, and advocates celebrate in order to raise awareness for rehabilitation. National Recovery Month is sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) which gives people not only the tools to get help and treatment, but also to give them many resources about substance abuse and mental health.
27 Years of Awareness
For its 27th anniversary, the theme that was chosen this year is Join the Voices for Recovery: Our Families, Our Stories, Our Recovery! This theme was chosen to bring to light that how families suffer as a whole when one family member suffers. In order to help promote this theme, the National Recovery Month website has provided a free “toolkit” for download. The toolkit discusses the topics of military families, trauma survivors, families in recovery, LGBT families, mental health and substance abuse disorders, and more.
Events Nationwide
Once again during September, events are being held all over the country in order to raise awareness. National Recovery Month events are happening in major cities and local areas as well. These events range from conferences to recovery walks, and even art exhibits. Also available on their website are real life stories from families that have struggled with recovery, mental health, and substance abuse.
Learn More About National Recovery Month
To discover more about National Recovery Month and more about what is happening in your area, please visit their official site. If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse and you wish to seek help, please fill our our form or call one of our coordinators for free at 1-888-480-9323.