Maureen McCormick Discusses Drug Addiction, Gets Candid About Her Drug-Addicted Past
Maureen McCormick, also known as Marcia Brady from the hit 1970’s television show “The Brady Bunch”, is now in the spotlight again. This time, she is not acting though. She is a contestant on an Australian game show called, “I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here,” where the all-celebrity line-up competes to tough it out in rough and rugged locations that are extremely undesirable. Maureen may not be utilizing her acting skills, but she has had to be resilient to obstacles that life has thrown her way, including a debilitating struggle with bulimia and a treacherous drug addiction when she was younger that almost ended in death. Maureen McCormick discusses drug addiction now at the age of 59. Because Maureen started out as such a young starlet in Hollywood and came to find success very quickly, she wanted to escape the pressures of Hollywood life by getting involved with one of the most addictive drugs available: cocaine. In the article, “Maureen McCormick Opens Up About Overcoming Drug Addiction” by Bree Schwartz, Maureen McCormick discusses drug addiction and what it did to her life and career. She said that she would visit cocaine dens, which seemed to be glamorous at the time. After getting completely addicted, she spiraled out of control and compromised her morals and integrity in order to get the drug. Maureen even admits to having sex with her dealer in order to score some cocaine. She also had an affair with Barry Williams, who was her TV brother, Greg.
Maureen McCormick’s career also came into jeopardy while high on cocaine. She would show up to meetings with producers high on the drug, and needless to say, couldn’t be the actress that the producers had expected. One important role she auditioned for was for a part in Steven Spielberg’s “Raiders of the Lost Ark.” Being high and awake for three days, however, cost her the role and her reputation. Her career took a nosedive at this point because of her strong addiction to cocaine.
Her life turned around when she met her now husband, Michael McCormick in church in 1985. He influenced her to go to rehab and became clean and sober. She credits him to saving her life. They went on to have children, and she lives a full life free from addiction. Dealing with all her demons and hardships have certainly prepared her for her current role on “I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here.” We will see if she takes home the grand prize for toughing it out in the wilderness.