Threats of Illegal Drug Abuse
Every one as been effected by illegal drug abuse. Even if you have avoided it yourself it is apart of the life of some one you know. Either way, the results are the same. They can destroy lives of both the user and the lives of family members and loved ones. Worse, many people don’t realize the abuse until it is too late.
Most Commonly Abused Drugs
While alcohol is legal for adults, it is not for those under 21 and that group is most likely to engage in risky drinking behavior. Both binge drinking and secret drinking can lead to alcoholism and that becomes a lifelong battle. To make it harder to combat, it is a drug that has a certain amount of social acceptance.
This drug also has the problem of being considered almost socially acceptable. Most people think of it as little more than a bad habit of unmotivated teens. True, a large number of abusers are younger but that is part of the problem. Marijuana can inhibit the normal development of the frontal cortex of the brain in teens. This leads to problems with impulse control in later life.
Known as “meth†or “crankâ€, this could be the most dangerous of drugs abused. It is simple to produce, making it very available, and highly addictive. Even one use can lead to a quick downward spiral that includes horrific dental and skin problems, psychosis, and death. While its affects are hard to hide for long, chemical abusers quickly stop caring.
Prescription Drugs
These can be the devil that was invited in. When people think of illegal drug abuse, they are often overlooked and abuse often goes unnoticed. The reasoning that a doctor would not give them something dangerous has led to many addicted users. Even worse is abusing prescriptions written for some one else. Problems with contraindications can prove fatal.
Both MDMA and its purer form, known as “mollyâ€, is a large part of illegal drug abuse in the younger crowd. Used mostly at raves, clubs, and parties, it has the problem that any unregulated pharmaceutical has. It can, and often is, laced with other drugs. One common one is methamphetamine. The effects of MDMA can be overwhelming physiologically and physically and any additional additives just increase the dangers of use.
This is a wide group of substances that, when misused, are illegal. They can be anything from the nitrous oxide in whipped cream cans to nail polish remover. These are highly dangerous as the cause neurological problems including sudden death.
This is only the tip of the iceberg of illegal drug abuse. There are many more like LSD, PCP, ketamine, salvia, psilocybin, DXM and more. The one thing they all have in common is they are part of illegal drug abuse. The bright light in the tunnel is there is help. Illegal drug abuse is nearly impossible to handle on your own but Sober Solutions has trained professionals that know how to deal with them, please call us for assistance.