Idaho Alcohol Treatment & Drug Rehabilitation
There are many drug and alcohol rehab facilities in Idaho and many are excellent treatment centers. However, we have discovered that not only does reaching out across state borders help find you a more perfect fit, it also helps increase your chance of remaining sober once you are out of treatment. We deal with many different types of treatment programs to help fit your needs, such as 12 Step programs, Holistic programs, Christian-based programs, and more. Our drug and alcohol rehabilitation service can help you analyze your treatment center options and find treatment in Idaho or elsewhere.
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Methamphetamine, cocaine, and marijuana are the biggest trafficking threat to Idaho. Crystal meth has been replacing methamphetamine HCI in popularity in Idaho. Although cocaine is available, it is expensive and probably for this reason, methamphetamines have overtaken cocaine as the drug of choice. Meth can have a negative and sometimes permanent effect on the brain and it is important to get into a good treatment program as quickly as possible.
Marijuana is both imported and cultivated in the state and the more powerful form called BC Bud seems to be coming into Idaho through Canada which borders the state. Many people are convinced that marijuana is a harmless drug but it often is the stepping stone to harder and more addictive drugs.
The prescription drugs hydrocodone and benzodiazepine is the most abused prescription drug in Idaho but Oxycontin is becoming a growing problem in northern Idaho. Like other opiates, it is important to go to a medical detox before entering a treatment program. Sober Solutions can help one coordinate the options that will lead a person to a safe and effective rehabilitation.