Binge Drinking Help
A National Epidemic

Sobering Statistics
Approximately 15% of adults admit to binge drinking at least 3 to 4 times a month. On average, between 6 and 8 drinks are consumed during a typical binge.
Although binge drinking tends to be more problematic among young men, there are a growing number of women who have reported binge drinking on occasion. In college, the rate of binge drinking patterns in men and women is about even. Although most binge drinking behavior tends to occur between the ages of 18 and 35, adults 65 and older reported binge drinking more frequently.
When Help is Needed
Oftentimes, those who struggle with binge drinking realize they need help when their behaviors begin to have a negative impact on their quality of life. They may face legal ramifications, loss of employment and alienation from family and friends as a result of their problematic drinking behavior. Many may want to quit, but not know where to turn. There is no reason to struggle any longer with binge drinking when help can easily be obtained. A primary reason why so many individuals struggle with binge drinking by themselves, is due to the fact that they are unaware of the programs available for binge drinkers. Many binge drinkers may not fit the criteria for alcoholism, and therefore, not know where to turn. Fortunately for those struggling with binge drinking help can be found in the form of holistic, therapeutic programs which focus on getting to the root of the issue, helping clients to develop effective coping mechanisms.For those who have found that alcohol has taken ahold of their lives, do not despair. There is light at the end of the tunnel. If an individual finds that he is struggling with binge drinking get help now. Binge drinking can have deadly consequences, often leading to alcohol poisoning, drunk driving, cirrhosis of the liver and cancer. There are a variety of ways in which binge drinking help can be obtained. Through the use of modern technology, the internet has become an invaluable resource for those who are looking to obtain a sober lifestyle. For those who are struggling with binge drinking, there is hope.
By admitting that there is a problem, and seeking out effective treatment to deal with binge drinking behaviors, one can become sober and take back control of his life.