What Is Binge Drinking?
Binge drinking is the act of consuming a large amount of alcohol in a short amount of time. Men who consume more than five alcoholic beverages in two hours, and women who consume more than four drinks in two hours are classified as binge drinkers. It is important to note that most people who binge drink are not alcohol dependent. Alcohol dependency is also known as alcoholism or alcohol addiction. People who are dependent on alcohol crave it all of the time, and they feel as though they cannot function without it.
Binge Drinking Stats
According to the Center For Disease Control, approximately 16 percent of adults in America binge drink four times per month. The average binge drinker consumes eight alcoholic beverages per binge. Interestingly, people who earn more than $75,000 per year are more likely to be binge drinkers than low-income earners. Many college students binge drink, but this practice is actually more common among older people. In fact, 70 percent of binge drinkers are over the age of 26. Men are more likely to be binge drinkers.
Dangers Of Binge Drinking
Many people binge drink because they think that it is a harmless way to have fun. On the contrary, being a binge drinker can be very dangerous. Alcohol impairs judgment, so binge drinkers are at an increased risk for getting into an accident if they decide to drive. Falls, burns and drowning are some of the other injuries that are common among binge drinkers. They are also more likely to engage in risky sexual activity, which can put them at risk for developing a sexually-transmitted disease. Additionally, binge drinkers are at an increased risk for committing a crime or being a victim of a crime.
How to get help for binge drinking.
Excessive alcohol consumption can also have a negative impact on a person’s health. High blood pressure, poorly controlled diabetes, liver disease, heart disease and stroke are just a few of the many health problems that can result from binge drinking. Mothers who abuse alcohol during their pregnancy are putting their babies at risk. Low birth weight, abnormal facial features, hyperactive behavior and learning disabilities are common among children whose mothers abused alcohol during pregnancy. It’s also possible to get alcohol poisoning, which can be incredibly deadly.
The Benefits of stopping drinking.
The Cost Of Binge Drinking
Binge drinking is not cheap. According to the Center For Disease Control, the United States spent $223 billion dollars on alcohol abuse-related costs. This includes things such as crime, loss of productivity and healthcare. Alcohol abuse is also costly for the individual. Many people are spending over $100 per month on alcohol. See other Binge Drinking Statistics.
Getting Help For Alcohol Abuse
If you or someone you know has a drinking problem, then you should contact us. We will help you or your loved one find treatment center for a binge drinking problem.