There are many different viewpoints on what an addiction actually is. Addiction is when our bodies get to a point that they need a foreign substance to function normally. Once the physical addiction is formed most would then need a detox to stop, in other words, our bodies would have to return to a normal state. It is interesting to see how psychiatrists and doctors call addiction a brain disorder when in fact it requires a great deal of work on the addict or alcoholics part to actually become addicted. It is not like addiction can be diagnosed beforehand, or that it happens overnight. It takes time to become physically dependent on a substance. It is not until well after a person abuses drugs and alcohol that a psychiatrist or doctor labels it a disorder and then treats the symptoms, not the cause, with medications. Addicts and alcoholics become addicted because they are trying to escape reality, not because the are diseased. Addiction is a choice that is made, not a disorder that requires medication to treat. A conscious effort is made to take the path of least resistance in the form of substance abuse to handle the way addicts and alcoholics feel, that is why an addict or alcoholic suffers from addiction. The more we try to convince an addict or alcoholic that they have a disease the more accountability we take away and the greater the chance the victim role is played. A drug & alcohol intervention may be incredibly helpful in convincing them.
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Cause of Addiction
One of the biggest problems with today’s addiction treatment centers is that there is far too much emphasis on treating the symptoms instead of getting to the cause of alcohol addiction. It does not matter how much or how little someone uses, where they use, or how they use, it only matters what is done as a result of the use. Once you pass the point of neglecting the consequences of your actions to feed your addiction is when you are at the point of needing professional help in a drug rehab to stop. Anybody reading this can understand that if they were holding a steady job, paid all the bills, had a solid relationship with their family and society, were a joy during the holidays, but did drugs behind closed doors, you probably would not be reading this or searching for a treatment center. Most families and substance abusers who seek addiction help are at a point where they are unable to continue on with their addiction and are ready to make a change, willingness to change does not come from within it comes from without.
Read more: Ibogaine Rehab
No Easy Way Out
One unfortunate thing to consider about addiction is when people get to that point of surrender it is usually short-lived. Most addicts are willing to do as little as possible in regards to their addiction. As stated above, this goes with the behavior of taking the path of least resistance and doing as little as possible as quickly as possible. Interestingly enough addicts and families choose a short path with the best of intentions because it appears to be at least better than nothing at all. Addicts usually end up in a 28-day addiction treatment center and soon forget why they needed to go into drug rehab in the first place. If an addict or alcoholic is truly ready to stop then they should be willing to do whatever it takes to end their addiction. If 25% of the effort was taken into getting well as it was getting high most everyone would recover. Addiction is all about avoiding discomfort, whether it is taking drugs and alcohol, not attending family functions, or simply just not answering the phone to hear somebody comment about your current state. It is all a form of an escape.
Is Your Family Waiting For Your Loved One To Want Help Or Hit Bottom?
888-480-9323The good news is anybody can overcome addiction if they truly want to, even in the case of a process addiction. As it states in Alcoholics Anonymous’ how it works, “Rarely have we seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path”. This means if you stop doing it your way and follow the suggestions of an addiction treatment program, you probably will end up clean and sober. Nobody says it is easy but it is absolutely possible. If you or your family is ready to end this insanity cycle of addiction we can help.