Cocaine Withdrawal Treatments
The goal of getting treatment for cocaine addiction is to kick the habit and live a happy and productive life. It is a very frightening step to take. Knowing about what happens during cocaine withdrawal treatments and what your reactions may be can help an addict not be so frightened about getting help. Kicking the habit can be a rocky road to take in life, but worth it for a happier life.
Once an addict has set their mind to becoming sober and free of addiction, there are things that they can do to prepare for the withdrawal. First, make an appointment with a rehabilitation center to discuss the best course of treatment. From there the patient will need to undergo physical and mental evaluations to insure that the addict is ready to become clean. These evaluations will also assist the center in choosing the right treatment plan for the patient. Treatment plans vary by drug of choice, addiction level, and the personal needs of the patient.
Read more: Withdrawal Treatments
Time Frame
Twelve to twenty-four hours after the last dose of cocaine is taken, the body will begin to show intense withdrawal symptoms. These will ease and last for about a week. Cocaine withdrawal treatments begin by cleansing the body of the harmful, addictive substance. It may take several months to totally remove the chemicals from the body. Once the chemicals are cleaned, the healing can begin. A physician should closely monitor detoxing from cocaine addiction as the withdrawal symptoms can be very traumatic and intense. A treatment center inpatient service is often prescribed for cocaine withdrawal treatments. The staff will monitor the patient to insure that the withdrawal symptoms do not become dangerous. They will also be there if they do present danger to the patient and be able to help control and manage them.
The Urges
During cocaine withdrawal treatments, the addict will do anything they can to get some cocaine. The trained staff at an inpatient drug treatment center will help the patient take their mind off of the craving and ease them into sobriety. To have success at detoxifying and leading a happy, addiction free life, the addict must be physically and mentally ready to let go of the addiction. Once an addict is ready to quit, their mind set must follow. They have to be strong mentally to be able to give up what they crave.
Once the detoxification process is complete, the addict will then start learning to live without the high they once craved. With help from treatment, family and friends a cocaine addict can overcome their addiction and prosper in a clean life. Cocaine withdrawal treatments work for those who are ready to break their addictions. Cocaine addiction can be overcome. There is help for those who want help.