Weaponized Marijuana is the Latest Danger to Hit the Streets
The the street drugs K2 and Spice have been on the streets for awhile now, they are recently making headlines with a new name, weaponized marijuana. Police came up with the new name, weaponized marijuana, because they are seeing a huge increase in the number of cases involved with this drug. New York State is the primary location for the drug right now, but it is spreading to other locations.
Why is weaponized marijuana becoming so popular? You can buy weaponized marijuana for only $2 to $5 on any little street corner store. How do these stores get away with selling weaponized marijuana? At first, the drug was sold as herbal mixtures sold in small packets that were not seen as harmful, but now that everyone is aware of the effects of smoking weaponized marijuana, the police are out to confiscate any of the products they find. A federal ban was also passed in 2012, banning the sale of these mystery packets. The New York Police Department have been conducting raids on corner store and various locations were the drug is prevalent.
What are the dangers of weaponized marijuana? Some people may argue that marijuana is not a harmful substance, but this is NOT marijuana. Weaponized marijuana is a man-made creation of chemicals combined together to produce a high. When these shredded plants and chemicals are smoked, they can cause hallucinations, paranoia, cardiac arrest, and death. Police have released several pieces of footage with people high on weaponized marijuana and the effects are clearly dangerous. In most videos, the abuser possesses superhuman strength and the inability to feel pain. Another factor they have in common is the fact that the abusers are not wearing any clothes. In one video the police are surrounding a naked man, crouched down in the middle of the street, screaming and pounding on the ground, with clearly no idea where he was or what he was doing.
Weaponized marijuana is taking over NewYork, like Flakka is taking over Florida. Both of these drugs are showing similar side effects and both can be purchased for $5 or less. Another thing both of these drug have in common, is that the target group of the drug abusers is the homeless or poor areas in the state. These people are desperate and looking for a quick and cheap high. They do not care about the consequences of taking this drug or do not think it will happen to them.
Weaponized marijuana has hospitalized more than 1,900 in New York State, in the last 4 months. With nearly 2,000 people admitted to the hospital in 4 months, police have there work cut out for them, but they are making huge crack downs and raids to help combat these numbers. The people abusing this drug are not only putting themselves in danger, but are endangering the lives of the people around them. Hopefully the New York Police Department will get this outbreak under control and help to guide other states facing similar problems.