New Hampshire Drug Rehab & Alcohol Treatment
There are many drug and alcohol rehab facilities in New Hampshire and many are excellent treatment centers. However, we have discovered that not only does reaching out across state borders help find you the perfect fit, it also helps increase your chance of remaining sober once you are out of treatment. We deal with many different types of treatment programs to help fit your needs, such as 12 Step programs, Holistic programs, Christian-based programs, and more. Our drug and alcohol rehabilitation service can help you analyze your treatment center options and find treatment in New Hampshire or elsewhere.
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Cities such as Manchester or Portsmouth are the urban areas where crack cocaine is most abused and easily bought. Powder cocaine is obtainable all over the state of New Hampshire. But the most widely used and abused drug in New Hampshire is marijuana. Although much of the marijuana is imported from Mexico, B.C. Bud is coming in through Canada and law enforcement is finding more and more locally grown marijuana. Many people do not think that marijuana is a dangerous drug and even ridicule the idea that it is illegal. However, most hard drug addictions began with marijuana as a first stepping stone.
In the coastal area, methamphetamine has been on the rise. Methamphetamine, with prolonged use, can cause permanent brain damage so it is important for one addicted to this drug to do everything possible to overcome the addiction as soon as possible.
Prescription drugs such as Oxycontin are a significant threat to the state as well as the sudden increase in the abuse of heroin. Both prescription drugs and heroin are opiates and as such, the person addicted needs a medically supervised detox before going into treatment. Sober Solutions can help you coordinate the different phases of treatment so that you can receive the safest and most effective treatment possible.
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