Effects of Drinking

At first, the side effects of drinking may not seem like such a bad thing and for some people it may not be. The problem with alcohol, like so many other drugs, we never really know how it will affect us, so the good times at the party we are having today, could very easily turn into an addiction tomorrow.
Short Term Effects
The side effects of drinking may not show up immediately, but many people who head down this road have agreed that they end up with slurred speech and after a few drinks they can even become drowsy. Many of the side effects, such as headaches, difficulty breathing, impaired judgment and vomiting can affect the user based on the amount of alcohol being consumed. Other side effects that might be inconvenient to the user can be hangovers, nausea or upset stomach, all of which will only get worse with prolonged use.
Long Term Effects
What initially started out as a opportunity to have a good time with friends, will become a life changing experience over time. The side effects of drinking will quickly turn into an unmanageable experience, with little chance of controlling your emotions or how often you drink. The user will find that he or she may end up in a vehicle wreck and could feasibly spend time behind bars because of a DUI.
Effect Your Social Life
The side effects of drinking will not stop there however, at this point things will only get worse, in fact, if the user continues at the same pace, they will be on a speeding train to a disastrous end. Relationships will end up in trouble, jobs could be lost and entire families could be destroyed. Social lifestyles will change to the effect that only people with drinking problems will hang out together. This may seem perfectly natural to the ones drinking, but to everyone else, it makes no sense.
Falling Victim
Finally, the user will find the side effects of drinking to be so overwhelming that depression will set in. They may try to kick the habit on their own, but the addiction will be too great and you will be dependent upon the alcohol. By this time many family members would have considered giving up, but a few would try to find a sober solution for their loved one. If these are the symptoms that you or your loved one is experiencing, it may be time to get help.