A Look at Residential Treatment Centers
When a person understands that they have a problem with drugs or alcohol, treatment and the recovery process can then begin. The admission can come and serve as a great relief for the addict as well as the addict’s family, as it could be weeks, months; even years spent worrying and wondering about the addicted individual and whether or not their addiction would allow them to see another day. Now the gruesome task of choosing the appropriate rehabilitation center for this person to get the needed help is in your hands. There are many different types of treatments that are available for you to choose from- no matter the addiction or how long it has been present. One of the most common rehabilitation center is a residential treatment center. Let’s take a look at this type of facility.
Read more about Addiction Treatment Centers
What is it?
A residential treatment center is a facility in which a person can get 24-hour care for their addiction. They must live inside of the residential center for a specified amount of time, during which time they will live with other individuals facing the same issues in their life. The facility is fully staffed with trained medical professionals and others who can ensure the patient is able to better understand their addiction and how to break free. Depending on the treatment center that is chosen, this program may be with the same gender or a mixture of male and female. Most will tell you that gender-specific rehabs are the best option for greatest success.
The rehabilitation centers offer treatment for those with issues on any number of different drugs. From crack cocaine to crystal meth, alcohol, marijuana, heroin and all in between, rehab is available.
Many services are offered during the program, all with the goal of assisting an individual learn the consequences of addiction and how to sustain from living the life of an addict. These services include group and individual therapy, family therapy, mental health treatment, detox, case management, alcohol and drug education and more. When you are in a residential treatment center there will be an evaluation performed which will better determine the exact services that you need.
Comfortable and effective care
Staff of the treatment center is all caring professionals who want to help as many individuals as they possibly can. They never judge a person; never have a discouraging thing to say. Rather they encourage every person beneath their wing, enabling them to become the person their life intended for them to be. Doctors, nurses, therapist and many other professionals are found inside the facility, each of them working together to help attain sobriety for the individual.
Most people choose residential rehab because it works. It places the individual in a safe environment where the changes that are needed can be made without distraction. With success rates as great as 90% when you attends a residential treatment center, you know what you must do if you truly want to become addiction free.