Alcohol Affects Your Health In A Negative Way
1. It Can Lead to Pancreatitis
According to, frequent consumption of alcohol can cause the pancreas to become inflamed, which causes abdominal pain. The condition also causes a fever, increased heart rate, nausea or vomiting, and weight loss due to poor absorption of nutrients that causes malnutrition.
2. Alcohol May Cause a Stroke
In some cases, consuming alcohol at least three times a day can lead to an early stroke due to spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage. Medical experts suggest limiting consumption to one drink a day to avoid placing strain and damaging the heart. Hypertension also occurs with heavy drinking, which can fourfold the risk of a stroke and even be fatal. The average age of a stroke that is induced by alcohol is 60, although the exact cause is still not clear.
3. Alcohol Can Weaken Your Immune System
One of the main ways that alcohol affects your health is by gradually making your body more susceptible to certain diseases or ailments by weakening your immune system. It produces nutritional deficiency by depriving your body of nutrients that build the immune system and help to protect it. It also is known to reduce the amount of white blood cells that are present, which work to fight germs that enter the body.
4. It Can Increase Your Risk of Anemia
Anemia is a common condition that can develop with long-term alcohol consumption by lowering the amount of red blood cells that are present in the body that are known to carry oxygen. Anemia is known to cause fatigue, dizziness, and shortness of breath due to a lack of iron. The alcohol ultimately disrupts the hematologic system, which is composed of the spleen, liver, bone marrow, and blood.
5. It Can Lead to Liver Disease
According to, alcohol affects your health by causing liver disease to develop by damaging the cells over time. This can cause the liver to fail, lead to brain disorders and comas, enlarge the spleen, and even cause fluid to eventually build in the abdomen.
6. Alcohol Can Cause Sexual Problems
One of the many culprits of alcohol consumption is having sexual dysfunction because it’s a depressant that can reduce sexual desire and make it difficult to perform sexually. According to, alcohol affects your health by causing erectile dysfunction by decreasing the blood flow to the penis. Men who have an alcohol dependency on alcohol increase their chances of developing sexual problems by 70 percent, making it important to limit daily consumption.