Self Mutilation Addiction
Self-Mutilation, also known as self-harm, is when an individual is addicted to inflicting harm on themselves. This process addiction can be in a number of forms and can be on any part of the body. Most intentional mutilation results in scarring that becomes a constant reminder for the individual of their addiction. If a person intentionally mutilates their own body, then they are dealing with emotional issues that make them believe they deserve the pain. The addiction stems from them having anger towards themselves. Some incidents of self-mutilation occur because a person had endured abuse that caused them to grow a disdain for themselves and their body.
Self-mutilation brings a number of risks for an individual suffering with the addiction
The risks are both physical and mental and can cause a snowball effect for the person. Each time a person cuts their body, they grow more hatred towards themselves. This causes them to continue wanting to cut themselves. For health risks, self-mutilation can result in an infection from the open wound. Self-mutilation affects an individual’s health, both mentally and physically, causing their overall well-being to be negatively impacted.
Self-mutilation does not only affect the individual
The family and friends are impacted by the individual’s addiction and deal with the consequences too. Since many cutters hide their scars, the family and friends usually do not detect a problem until the disease is way past the beginning stages. At this point, it is more difficult to rewind the past emotional damage the disease has caused. Family and friends may feel they are to blame for the disease lasting as long as it generally does. Luckily, there is a way for these individuals to get help and receive the proper treatment.
Treatment for Self Mutilation
Treatment for self-mutilation is a complex process that involves helping a person realize their love for themselves and their body. If a person endured abuse, the treatment will help them realize they are not at fault for the abuse. A Self Mutilation Treatment Center will also help them cope with their scars. Instead of hating their scars, a person will be taught to use their scars as a motivation of how far they have come. Families should not try to take on the task of treating an individual who cuts. It is important to seek professional help when treating anyone with an addiction.