Internet Addiction
Normal people are susceptible to addiction, and to overcome any addiction that impairs daily living takes support from others. Professionals at Internet addiction treatment centers have the expertise needed to create a workable plan. As with food addiction and alcoholism, from gambling addiction to drug abuse, Internet addiction is increasingly being recognized as a complex of symptoms that can be successfully treated.
Feeling preoccupied, anxious to get back, and avoiding social situations to be on the Web are the first red flags. Trying, over and over, to cut back only to return to excessive use again shows you have a problem, you know that things aren’t normal anymore. If during attempts to stop or cut back, one feels: depressed, irritable, and stressed; an internet addiction is a likely diagnosis. Procrastinating work and educational tasks, and otherwise avoiding daily responsibilities, is a deepening addictive pattern. Losing jobs, relationships, and family contacts just to escape to the web is a true addiction.
Treatment programs for Internet addiction have simple and complex aspects. Like food addictions, we all need to use the Web for daily needs. Getting information, applying for a job, paying bills, and more is in many cases only available on the Internet. Everywhere you go, and every hour of the day, the Cloud is part of life. Creating a balance takes hard work with a clear path to success.
Under the umbrella of technology related process addiction or problematic technology use, Internet addiction has specific treatments only professional clinicians have the training to apply. In an assessment, for example, underlying issues need to be identified. Stress, relationship problems, other addictive behaviors, depression, specific problematic life situations, and more need to be addressed through a personalized recovery program.
Personal program plans are a blueprint for the clinical and individual work that leads to recovery. Psychotherapy is a likely component to deal with co-occurring issues. Group counseling is an adjunct to reinforce personal plans for long-range change. Depending on one’s personal outlook, a sense of spirituality can be a strong component of recovery. When choosing a program seek what fits you as an individual. Some people do well in 12-step programs, while others do better in one on one counseling.
The first step is to admit a problem exists. The second is to move forward with your life, and that takes more than willpower. Working with others who suffer from Internet addiction is a proven way to take that next step. These professionals are sympathetic to your needs, and other participants know by experience your predicament. Make today the first day of the rest of your life.