Top Five Most Used and Addictive Drugs
Everyone in the world knows drugs have an addictive nature. But, do you know just how addictive the most used addictive drugs are? Do you or someone you love habitually use a narcotic or maybe, you are not even sure that what you are using, is a narcotic. Narcotic has become a generalized term typically associated with prescription drugs or any drug changes and/or impairs your cognitive (reasoning) ability to function as you normally would. Let’s look at the top five most used addictive drugs used by Americans today.
Sometimes, when it’s legal to purchase, we don’t really consider it a drug. But a drug is something that changes and/or affects your perception, judgment and abilities. According to statistics, over half the US population drinks alcohol and of those, 16.9% are heavy drinkers and over 58 million binge drink. AA was founded as an anonymous group to help the millions of Americans that have come to realize that they cannot control their drinking on their own. For information on AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), we can help you locate one in your area.
Number two of the most used addictive drugs, is nicotine. Medical studies have shown there are 4000 chemicals in cigarette smoke alone. Much of the addictive behavior for cigarettes is mental, but physical withdraw symptoms are common. A reverse in damage begins the moment you don’t inhale that next cigarette.
Marijuana is the third of the most used addictive drugs used in the US. It ranks as the third most popular but the number one most abused, illegal drug. Many Americans debate whether marijuana is truly an addictive drug by nature despite its high use. Narcotics Anonymous was created in the same tradition as AA, except with a specific focus on narcotics. Some of the most abused addictive drugs are extremely difficult to break the habit without support.
Other illegal drug abuse information.
Prescription Drugs
Though this one covers a very broad and generic group, prescription drugs of any type are easier at times, to obtain than street drugs. Many pain killers, anti-anxiety medications, ADD medication, etc. are labeled stating that they are a narcotic and can become habit forming. Of all the prescription drugs available, Vicodin and OxyContin are the two most used addictive drugs you can obtain with a prescription as they can create the same effects in your system as heroin.
Number five, of the most used addictive drugs, is cocaine. Though cocaine can produce heightened levels of euphoria, these effects are short-lived. The addictive properties of this drug compound the shortened life span, making this an incredibly addictive street drug. Nearly one and a half million Americans are addictive to cocaine. The users, when going through withdrawal can become erratic in their behavior and highly aggressive.
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