Understanding Crystal Meth Addiction
It sees no color, no income bracket or no certain lifestyle. It could care less who it destroys, and seems to be on a vengeance to destroy all who fall within its path. It is devastating, and it is deadly, and this ‘it’ is called crystal meth addiction.
What is Crystal Meth?
Crystal meth, commonly called by the slang names meth, crystal, tweak, and ice, is increasing in cases of addiction throughout the United States. It is very serious and can affect an individual regardless of what type of person you think they are. It affects the low-life’s and it affects doctors, lawyers and business just as well.
A crystal meth addiction is very serious and can cause death with a single use. The popularity of the drug is coming in part because of how easy it is to make. But, with ingredients which can include anti-freeze, paint thinner, bleach, acetone, and Sulfuric Acid, you can certainly understand how serious of a drug crystal meth really is.
Crystal meth can be smoked, injected, . It is highly addictive, and as with many drugs can cause addiction after just one use. Effects of crystal meth use are both physiological as well as physical. An individual who uses the drug may feel an increase amount of excitement and awareness and want to get out and do things, oftentimes those things that are dangerous.
Effects of Crystal Meth
The drug causes an increase in the functions of the body, which can include increased heart rate. One who is using Meth may stay up for days at a time and will not eat. Meth addicts are also prone to ‘meth bugs’ and pick at the skin to form deep lesions. Agitation and irritability are also signs of an addiction to meth, especially when one is in need of another ‘fix.’ Other signs of meth use and addiction include short term memory loss, paranoia, bizarre behavior, rages, high blood pressure, itching and self-destructive behavior. Hallucinations are also common among those who are under the influence of meth. Those on the drug are more violent, and may sleep for 24 to 48 hours or more in one period after days of staying up using. Weight loss is also a sign of addiction.
Getting Help for Crystal Meth Addiction
If someone that you love is addicted to meth or you suspect that they are it is a good idea to intervene as soon as possible. Crystal meth is a very powerful drug and it is highly unlikely they can end their addiction without the help of a rehabilitation facility. Withdrawals are possible when an individual isn’t abusing the drug, and having medical help available at all times is necessary to ensure the safety of an individual coming off of meth. They can get the help they need, as well as the proper medical attention, inside of a drug rehab, as well as learn how to break free from the cycle of crystal meth addiction and learn to live their life without the need for the drug.