Prescription Drug Abuse
Prescription drug abuse is being seen more and more in today’s society. Prescription drugs can easily cause a high level of dependency. This can occur in an average person who has never before abused drugs of any form. The signs of prescription dependency vary and are based upon the type of drug being abused. There are some prescription drugs that are more habit forming than others. This is due in part to the mind altering properties they have. Opioids such as oxycodone and vicodine are habit forming pain meds that are highly addictive. Sedatives and medications that provide relief from anxiety are also easy to become addicted to. Valium and Ambien, because they are used to calm and treat sleep disorders are very habit forming. Users of the drug begin to rely on them more often than prescribed and eventually not be able to function or sleep without taking the drug.
Symptoms of Abuse
Common but noticeable symptoms that a loved one may have become dependent on pain killers are decreased breathing, they begin to become easily confused, sweating or poor coordination. Once a drug has been taken by a person for a certain period of time and the dosage is deemed safe by the prescriber, these symptoms should not be occurring. If they are happening there is a great chance that the prescriptions are being taken improperly. The abuse of sedatives and anti anxiety medicines will cause dizziness, poor judgment or involuntary or rapid movements. These are very noticeable and should be approached cautiously by a professional.
Those abusing prescription drugs may show signs such as stealing or selling valuables
Many prescription drug abusers display habits that pose a threat to themselves and those around them if the condition goes untreated. They form habits of stealing medication from others as well as valuables or money to illegally purchase medication. Abusers become hostile which endangers the lives of those around them especially children that are unaware of the condition. A very common observation of prescription abuse is when the patient often loses prescriptions with the attempt to obtain more medication with a replacement prescription. Pay close attention to the mood of someone assumed to be abusing drugs. He or she may display mood swings that are identified by them appearing to be unusually energetic or revved up.
Seek professional help
It is always best to seek professional consultation when prescription drug abuse is suspected or identified. Physicians and counselors are trained professionals and they can utilize the proper resources to safely treat the type of addiction. Often times when gone untreated or ignored, the continued abuse of prescription drugs can cause physical impairments or permanent health conditions. The act of simply assuming that you can help yourself or someone who is addicted to prescription drugs is very dangerous and can lead to greater problems that could last a lifetime. Seek the guidance of an accredited professional with vast experience and proven results in treatment. It is never safe to assume that simply removing or discontinuing a prescription is an answer to the problem. Once addiction becomes a factor, the condition becomes a mental as well as a physical dependency. Get professional help as soon as possible because delaying it can cause irreversible damages.