Heroin Detox
Heroin detox is necessary for those struggling with an addiction to opiates. Heroin, a highly addictive and illegal drug, is processed from morphine. It is a highly addictive drug that comes in the form of a white or brown powder or a sticky black substance also referred to as black tar heroin. Heroin can be injected, smoked, sniffed and snorted. Users of this highly addictive drug experience a rush which is described as a surge of euphoria. Soon after a relaxed drowsy feeling sets in. First time users crave the drug again resulting in long term abuse of heroin.
Those who have developed a problem and want to recover from their addiction should seek help.
There are rehabilitation facilities throughout the country with counselors that will help you overcome your addiction and ultimately change your life. The first step of addiction treatment is detoxification.During heroin detox the body will react strongly to being weaned off of the drug. Over the time span of long term drug use the body adjusts to having the drug in its system so this change may result in a strong physical reaction. The process of detoxification is even more challenging with heroin addiction. Since it is an opiate and falls into the category of prescription medications detox requires medical supervision.
Withdrawal symptoms from heroin can be serious and should always be handled in a detox facility
Since heroin is a form of morphine, which should only be administered in a hospital setting, and causes a strong physical dependence, the detoxification process will be medically monitored. In as short as a few hours withdrawal symptoms can present themselves. These symptoms include insomnia, vomiting, cold flashes, restlessness, diarrhea, drug cravings and pain. More serious side effects of withdrawal are seizures, dramatically fluctuating body temperatures and heart irregularities. Symptoms peak within 2-3 days then the body begins to adjust. Since withdrawal for heavy users can result in death medical detox, in which the use of methadone is an options, can help minimize physical symptoms. The entire process can take 4-7 days to complete.Overall, heroin detox is a very challenging process. Since withdrawal can affect the body strongly medical supervision is needed. Once the process is complete, focusing on the addiction itself and learning how to recover from it can begin. Learning to live drug free, mend relationships, and start a new life takes time but at a rehabilitation center guidance is there every step of the way.
It is best to get help for a heroin addiction as soon as possible
If you or someone close to you is addicted to heroin today is the day to get help. There is no reason to continue risking your life for an illegal substance. Once you realize there is a problem and you want help, contact one of our counselors today to learn more about heroin detox options and addiction treatment centers. One phone call can change your life and put you on the path to living drug free.