Alcohol Poisoning Symptoms and What You Can Do Until Help Arrives
Many people drink, however, it can be very dangerous if not done responsibly. Drinking more than your body is able to process can lead to alcohol poisoning. This can be life threatening, and anyone exhibiting alcohol poisoning symptoms must go to the hospital. Anyone can be affected when he or she binge drinks alcohol, but it is more common in the younger population. This is due to immaturity and not really understanding the dangers of drinking too much too fast. When too much alcohol is consumed too rapidly, especially while playing drinking games, the affects can hit a person all at once. This happens because your body is not able to keep up with processing the amount of alcohol consumed. The alcohol level in your body continues to rise and be released into the bloodstream while still drinking. Alcohol poisoning can happen quickly and can be deadly.
Signs of alcohol poisoning
- Alcohol poisoning can be fatal, some symptoms to be aware of include:
- Seizures
- Vomiting
- Confusion
- Someone who passes out and cannot be awakened
- Labored or slow breathing
- Pale or a blue tint to the skin
- Pausing between breaths
- Low body temperature
- Loss of reflexes
- Choking or gagging
If someone is exhibiting alcohol poisoning symptoms, emergency medical help is needed immediately. If not treated promptly, the person can lapse into a coma and die. Do not wait until a friend or loved one has all alcohol poisoning symptoms it could be too late.
How you can help a person with alcohol poisoning
- If you suspect someone has alcohol poisoning, there are some steps you can take before medical help arrives. These include:
- Staying with them; it is important never leave someone who is suffering alcohol poisoning symptoms alone.
- Call 911 immediately.
- Assist with vomiting.
- Make sure they are in a sitting position, so they don’t aspirate.
- If they are not vomiting, don’t try to force them they could choke.
- If they are unable to sit up, make sure their head is turned to the side.
- Try to keep them awake.
Once the ambulance arrives, relay needed information to the EMT’s such as what kind of alcohol the person drank and any known medical conditions or medicines being taken.
If you suspect a friend may have alcohol poisoning symptoms, it is better to be safe than sorry in the end. Don’t be afraid to call for help. Saving your friend or loved ones life is more important than any consequences you or your loved may suffer. A person who suffers from alcohol poisoning symptoms may have a drinking problem. If you suspect your friend or loved one is abusing alcohol, it important to tell someone. There are numerous rehabs that can help your loved one overcome this issue and lead a healthy and productive life. Not getting your friend or loved one help can lead to repeated incidents of alcohol poisoning, which can leave them brain damaged, comatose, or even cause death.